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Jeff Thompson, Princeton University: "Quantum computing with Yb Rydberg atoms"

  • 705, Pupin Hall 538 West 120th Street New York, NY, 10027 United States (map)

Neutral atom quantum computing is a rapidly developing field. Exploring new atomic species, such as alkaline earth atoms, provides additional opportunities for cooling and trapping, measurement, qubit manipulation, high-fidelity gates and quantum error correction. In this talk, I will present recent results from our group on implementing high-fidelity gates on nuclear spins encoded in metastable 171Yb atoms, including mid-circuit detection of gate errors that give rise to leakage out of the qubit space, using erasure conversion. I will conclude by discussing several new directions including spectroscopy and modeling of 171Yb Rydberg states and interactions, and the construction of high-speed modulators for local gate addressing.

October 12

Antoine Browaeys, Institut d'Optique, CNRS: “Many-body physics with arrays of individual atoms and optical dipoles“

October 26

Igor Pikovski, Stockholm University and Stevens Institute of Technology: "Detecting Single Gravitons With Quantum Sensing"